Had a family member (or friend) recently diagnosed with coeliac disease? If so, it’s important to create a safe, gluten-free space in your kitchen. Not only will this give the person with coeliac disease peace of mind at mealtimes, it gives the whole family the opportunity to appreciate the challenges faced by coeliacs – and opens a world of new recipes!
Coeliac disease is an immune-based condition that is triggered when gluten is ingested and damages the lining of the small bowel (small intestine). The person’s immune system reacts by attacking itself, resulting in inflammation of the small intestine. This in turn can trigger a range of conditions, from lethargy and weight loss to iron deficiencies, gastrointestinal symptoms and according to Coeliac Australia, some autoimmune conditions.
Coeliac disease is more common than you think. Approximately one in every 70 Australians has the disease, however, only 20% of this group are diagnosed. So, the majority of people who are coeliac don’t even know it! The only treatment for coeliac disease is a strict gluten-free diet to help the body heal and for symptoms to stop. For those who have been diagnosed, even small traces of gluten can cause serious health issues, so a few thoughtful changes in your kitchen can really make a big difference.
A gluten-free diet means completely avoiding gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats (unless they are wheat free oats). Even small amounts of gluten can trigger an immune response in people with coeliac disease, leading to digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, and potentially other serious health complications including osteoporosis.
Whether you’re living with someone who has coeliac disease, or you just want to ensure your home is safe for visiting coeliac friends and family, here are five easy ways to create a gluten-free friendly space in your kitchen.
1. Label Everything Clearly
Cross-contamination is one of the biggest risks for those with coeliac disease. For some, even the smallest trace of gluten from food can cause a reaction. To help make your home gluten-free friendly, avoid confusion by labelling all gluten-free foods in airtight containers. Use stickers or permanent markers to label gluten-free jars, containers, and spreads.
2. Have a Dedicated Gluten-free Shelf
A designated area in your pantry for gluten-free foods makes meal prep easier and reduces the risk of contamination. For the person living with coeliacs, a dedicated space showcasing all the pantry items they can enjoy, not only gives them peace of mind, it gives them a sense of confidence knowing they can enjoy a wide variety of foods and not feel restricted by their disease.
Tip: Look for the Honest to Goodness gluten-free symbol when shopping online and Gluten-free callouts on packaging to ensure you're buying safe products.
>>> Order gluten-free pantry staples here
3. Use Colour-Coded Kitchen Tools
Having separate kitchen utensils helps prevent cross-contamination.Use colour-coded chopping boards, tongs and spatulas. This is ideal when you are cooking multiple meals and need to keep your utensils separate. For family living at home, have a dedicated gluten-free frying pan, toaster and baking trays to help prevent cross-contamination.
4. Become Your Own Gluten-Free Bakery
Many store-bought baked goods contain hidden gluten, so why not become your own gluten-free bakery at home? Baking from scratch ensures your gluten-free treats are safe and delicious. Experiment by using gluten-free flours like almond flour, coconut flour, or wheat free oats. Keep a separate gluten-free flour on hand for quick treats such as cupcakes or cookies.
>>> Get started with these gluten-free recipes
5. Keep a List of Safe Foods & Recipes
- When cooking for someone with coeliac disease, it’s important to double-check ingredients.
- Read labels carefully - gluten can hide in sauces, spices, and processed foods.
- Keep a list of simple gluten-free meal ideas handy for stress-free cooking.
- When in doubt, stick to naturally gluten -free foods like fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy.
>>> Shop trusted gluten-free products here: Honest to Goodness Gluten-Free Range