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Over the last 20 years, it has become our mission to educate, empower and inspire the community to make wholesome, sustainable and ethical choices that benefit both people and the planet. 


Our founders Matt and Karen Ward started Honest to Goodness with a market stall in Sydney back in 2002, providing the highest quality and sustainably farmed wholefoods to their local community. Their vision was to grow the appetite for healthy and nutritious choices driven by quality, taste and sustainability.


At the time organic and natural wholefoods weren't widely available on supermarket shelves and the market stall quickly developed a loyal following. We opened another, then another, and as our customer base began to grow so did our offering. Matt and Karen expanded the range, sourcing new products based on customer requests, developing pre-packaged mueslis and nuts, creating a wholesale business, opening a warehouse and eventually an online store where customers could find us on non-market days!


Honest to Goodness Market Stalls


Honest to Goodness has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a market stall in Sydney 20 years ago. Today, we are a leading Australian-owned company that is committed to making healthy and sustainable living accessible to more people. Although we no longer visit the markets, you can find us at our Alexandria Store based at our Sydney headquarters, at our award-winning Online Shop, and over 600 independently owned retailers across Australia.




We are proud to be a family-owned Australian business that looks locally first, or sources closest to the native origin, where food naturally grows best. We are drawn to growers and producers who do things a little differently, and many of our products have their own story, a special something that sets them apart. Our focus is on making healthy simple and accessible to more people while helping them on the path to a sustainable lifestyle.


At Honest to Goodness, we're committed to keeping it honest by doing the right thing for our people, suppliers, customers, and the planet. We value quality, honesty, and transparency and strive to continually innovate, create wholesome, ethical, sustainable food and lifestyle choices that benefit people and the planet.


Over the years, we've been repeatedly awarded by the organic community and the Australian organic independent associations as a trusted and loved organic brand and company. In 2015, we became a certified B Corporation, which recognised our company's commitment to ethical and environmental practices.


Matt Ward Quote


In 2021, we acquired the world’s first activated nut brand 2 Die 4 Live Foods, and in 2023 added leading organic and sustainable food brands -  Absolute Organic, and Eco Organics to the business. In late 2024 we acquired Pimp My Salad to our growing house of brands. These acquisitions are a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality, sustainably sourced food choices that benefit people and the planet. By expanding our offerings through these acquisitions, we hope to provide even more options to customers who are looking to make ethical and sustainable choices for their health and well-being. 



Honest to Goodness started with a vision of connecting consumers to producers with demand driven by quality, taste and fairness. 

We cannot thank enough our loyal customers who embody our values, leading the charge in demanding high quality, wholesome, tasty food and packaging reduction, making the sacrifices required to live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

We promise to keep feeding your passion by always leading from the front - it’s all about keeping life simple, real and possible.


Matt and Karen - Honest to Goodness Store